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How to nurture relationships in the digital age

Technology has become an integral part of how we communicate & relate to one another in the twenty-first century.

Healthy Body and Mind
Mudita Products

6 Simple Tips to BOOST Brain Power

If you want to boost your brain power, you might be surprised by how simple it is.

Focus and productivity
Healthy Body and Mind

6 Ways to Bring Back the Simplicity into Your Life

When you're ready to simplify your life, it opens the door to better health, happiness and peace of mind.

Digital minimalism
Meditation and mindfulness
Mindful Use of Technology
Mindful Breathing
Healthy Body and Mind

Ogłoszenie zwycięzców konkursu w czasopiśmie Charaktery

Przeczytaj wybrane przez nas zgłoszenia z konkursu na powrót do szkoły, organizowanego wspólnie z miesięcznikiem Charaktery.

Mudita Products

Simple Ways To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Sleep Sanctuary

Making small changes has the potential to greatly improve your sleep hygiene, so you can get a better night’s rest.

Healthy Body and Mind

The Healing Power of Music

Did you know music affects all levels of our brain, and can directly impact our emotions?

Meditation and mindfulness
Mudita Products
Healthy Body and Mind

My TOP 6 Wellness Non-Negotiables

Our team member shares her wellness non-negotiables and how they help to guide her towards a life of health, happiness and fulfillment.

Mindful Breathing
Healthy Body and Mind
Meditation and mindfulness

What exactly is self-care & why it matters

We all know how important it is to take care of ourselves, however sometimes it can be hard to remember how to do that.

Mindful Breathing
Healthy Body and Mind
Meditation and mindfulness

Well-rested kids are happy kids (and also happy parents)!

”Happiness consists of getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.” — Robert A. Heinlein

Mudita Products
Healthy Body and Mind